Keeping Out Of The Spotlight – These Hollywood Stars Walked Away

3. Jack Nicholson

Jack Nicholson is an American actor and filmmaker and quite a legend in the movie industry. In fact, he holds the record, alongside Meryl Streep and Katharine Hepburn, for the most Academy Award nominations. We loved him as Jack Torrance in Stephen King’s brilliant horror novel-turned-movie, The Shining, and his performances in One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest and The Departed were remarkable. The last movie we saw him in was 2010’s How Do You Know, alongside Reese Witherspoon, Paul Rudd, and Owen Wilson. So where did he go?

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Jack is 82 years old and is taking time for himself to relax and enjoy life after all the hard work he has put in over the span of his movie career. He loves sitting court side and watching basketball games (he is a huge Lakers fan), and enjoying what life has to offer. He could have starred in other movies, but turned down many roles and admits that he is not so eager to get out there anymore, as he has already worked so hard and succeeded.